最新消息,最新标准UL2263-Standard for Electric Vehicle Cable(电动汽车线缆标准)于2022年05月09日发布第一版。电动汽车线缆原来被描述在UL62标准的4.8章节,现也全部被UL2263所取代,所在认证和测试时,切记一定要引用新的UL2263标准。
UL2263 主要有6个型号,分别为 EVJ EV ; EVJE EVE ; EVJT EVT
第一组:热固性材料绝缘型号:EVJ EV
Type EVJ — Rated 300 V, contains two to six 18-12 AWG thermoset-insulated circuit conductors, and may employ one or more insulated grounding conductors. The cable may contain hybrid data, signal, communications, and/or optical fiber cable in any AWG size.
型号EVJ 300V(供电线径为:18-12 AWG) :使用的绝缘材料主要为热固性材料(如EP, CR, CSM, CPE等)
Type EV — Rated 1000 V, contains two or more 18 AWG to 500 kcmil thermoset-insulated circuit conductors, and may employ one or more insulated grounding conductors. The cable may contain hybrid data, signal, communications, and/or optical fiber cable in any AWG size.
型号EV 1000V (供电线径为:18-500 kcmil ) :使用的绝缘材料主要为热固性材料(如EP, CR, CSM, CPE等)
CR( polychloroprene,氯丁橡胶),CSM( chloro-sulphonyl-polyethylene,氯磺酰基聚乙烯),
CPE( chlorinated polyethylene氯化聚乙烯) EP(ethylene propylene rubber,乙丙橡胶)
第二组:热塑性弹性体绝缘型号: EVJE EVE
Type EVJE — Rated 300 V, same as Type EVJ except that the cable employs thermoplastic-elastomer-insulated conductors and jacket.
型号EVJE 300V(供电线径为:18-12 AWG) :使用的绝缘材料主要为热塑性弹性体材料(如TPE等)
Type EVE — Rated 1000 V, same as Type EV except that the cable employs thermoplastic-elastomer-insulated conductors.
型号EVE 1000V (供电线径为:18-500 kcmil ) :使用的绝缘材料主要为热塑性弹性体材料(如TPE等)
第三组:热塑性绝缘型号: EVJT EVT
Type EVJT — Rated 300 V, same as Type EVJ except that the cable employs thermoplastic (PVC) insulated conductors.
型号EVJT 300V(供电线径为:18-12 AWG) :使用的绝缘材料主要为热热塑性材料(如PVC等)
Type EVT — Rated 1000 V, same as Type EV except that the cable employs thermoplastic (PVC).
型号EVT 1000V (供电线径为:18-500 kcmil ) :使用的绝缘材料主要为热热塑性材料(如PVC等)
This standard specifies the requirements for electric vehicle cables rated up to 1000VAC and DC.
UL2263电压最高1000V AC 或DC ,主要300V, 600V ,1000V三个电压等级。
It is rated 60 °C, 75 °C, 90 °C, or 105 °C
UL2263温度等级为:60 °C,75 °C, 90 °C, 105 °C, 四个温度等级。对比欧标EN50620和国标GBT33594的耐温最高为90度,所以美国UL标准的温度是要高出很多的。
60 to 105°C (140 to 221°F) dry:干燥环境(主要室内):60 to 105°C
60°C (140°F) wet: 潮湿环境:60°C
60°C (140°F) where exposed to oil: 耐油环境60°C
Conductors shall be of annealed copper in compliance with ASTM B3 or NMX-J-036-ANCE, or annealed coated copper in compliance with ASTM B33 or NMX-J-008-ANCE.
导体主要为软铜或电镀软铜, 合金铜和铝合金这些金属导体是不能选择的。
Electric vehicle cable employs flexible stranded copper conductors in a size range of 18 AWG to 500 kcmil
主供电线的线径:从18 AWG(0.824mm² )到500 kcmil(253mm²),信号传输和控制线缆不受此约束。
The insulation and jacket are both thermoset on Types EVJ and EV, thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) on Types EVJE and EVE, and thermoplastic (PVC) on Types EVJT and EVT.